***Thank you to Drumlin Media for recording our celebration - the gathering is available to view on Vimeo at this link https://vimeo.com/916443571
Many thanks to everyone who made our exhibition launch such lovely occassion. Our public representatives, our librarians, our committee, and all of us Cavan Singers with friends and family who turned a cold wet windy evening into a warm and welcoming hour of celebration. Our exhibition display included photographs and memories, some pictured below - our bronze civic award, our bespoke jewelry designed and made by soprano Elena Brennan, and scores and scores (literally!) of sheet music from forty years of singing, including pieces commisioned for us written by Cavan composer Tom Cullivan.
Our chair Fidelma Sheridan welcomed us and remembered for us those who couldn't be there in person, our County Council Cathaoirleach Philip Brady congratulated us on this milestone, founder member Dermot McMonagle spoke of the early days and how the love of singing that brought the choir together on Valentine's Day 1984 is still very much alive. Mags Amond gave a summary of the sensemaking survey we carried out to find out What It Means To Be a Member of Cavan Singers. That summary can be read hereOur lovely hour finsihed with poet (and tenor) Noel Monahan reading a poem he wrote for us in celebration of forty years singing together; and his final line from Speed Your Journey - may endure to the last - segued seamlessy into Eileen Tackney on keyboard leading us in a mini-flash-mob rendition of Va Pensiero. Happy Ruby Anniversary 2024 to Cavan Singers. Long May We Sing - Together.